STEM-Away Mentorship Schedule

STEM-Away Mentorship Program - 2024 Series 1

  • Start Date: Week of June 17th.


  • Support: We utilize forum and chat-based support to accommodate different time zones and minimize scheduling conflicts. Video recordings and scheduled webinars are incorporated as needed.

  • Project Focus: Each week is dedicated to intensively concentrating on specific projects. The 2024 Series 1 is specifically aimed at pre-internship training in preparation for the Summer 2024 Virtual Internships.

  • Access: Enrollment in the STEM-Away Mentorship Category requires the purchase of a plan. Pricing starts at just $18, covering all sessions in the 2024 series.

Interested in joining? Visit to secure your plan today!

Week of June 17th: (Foundational Tracks)

Week of June 24th: (Advanced Tracks)

Week of July 8th & July 15th: Open

We will cover the projects with the most votes!

  • F-IE-1
  • F-IE-2
  • F-IE-3
  • A-TE-1
  • A-DE-1
  • A-TE-2
0 voters