User Research - UX/UI - SkopeAI Insights

:blue_book: User Research

  • Description: User research involves gathering and analyzing data about user behavior, needs, and preferences to inform the design and development of products or services.

  • Skill Hierarchy: ux-researchuser-research

:bar_chart: Demand Analysis (Within UX/UI)

Attribute Detail
Demand in the Field :star::star::star::star::star:
Demand within ux-research :star::star::star::star::star:
Job Postings % 21.11%
Companies Hiring % 25.56%

Note: Stars are allocated based on a relative ranking algorithm, considering job posting percentages for the skill. The percentages indicate how often the skill appears in machine learning job postings and how many companies seek it, based on the subset of the machine learning job market we’ve analyzed.

:briefcase: Top Job Titles

:office: Top Hiring Companies

:mag: Skill Analysis

Combining job market data and community insights, we aim to provide a holistic view of this skill.

  • Emergent vs. Legacy Status: Evaluating if this skill is an emerging trend or a lasting mainstay or neither.
  • Adjacent & Synonym Skills: Identifying related skills from job postings and alternative names from our community.
  • Skill Importance & Transferability: Community insights on the foundational nature and broad applicability of this skill.
  • Skill Progression: Prerequisites (Pre Skills) and subsequent skills (Post Skills) as suggested by our community.

Detailed insights coming soon. Stay tuned!

:globe_with_meridians: Want to shape the future of this skill?

Shape insights by voting and/or providing feedback (click to expand)

Skill Voting Guide

To cast your vote for a skill, click on the thumbs up icon to reveal all emoji options:

Emoji Skill Category Description
:+1: Thumbs Up For skills you have a general interest in.
:seedling: Foundational Skill For skills you view as foundational.
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Transferable Skill For skills you think are valuable across various areas.
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Emergent Skill For skills you see as rapidly growing in relevance.
:classical_building: Legacy Skill For skills you believe have stood the test of time.

Skills receiving the highest votes (over all categories) will advance into our solution pipeline.

Note: If more than one category seems to apply to a skill, pick the one that you feel is the strongest match. If unsure, the first category (Thumbs Up) is the safest choice.

Skill Feedback Guide

For additional feedback on a skill, please reply with specific skills and use the hashtags below to categorize your feedback:

Hashtag Description
synonym-skill To suggest a synonymous skill.
adjacent-skill To highlight closely related skills.
pre-skill To suggest skills that should be learned before this one (prerequisites).
post-skill To indicate if this skill serves as a foundation for others.

When referencing a skill or using any of our hashtags in your feedback, simply start with the # symbol. If the skill is already in our database, it will autofill. If it’s not, we’ll review and consider adding it in the future.

Your contributions, big or small, aren’t just digital imprints; they’re pivotal in shaping the industry’s future. Dive in, make an impact, and stand a chance to benefit from our Reward System!

Last Update: Q3 2023

Data is reviewed and updated on a quarterly to biannual basis, depending on the rate of changes and trends observed in the skills and job market landscape.