Yz - Hardware Engineering (Level 1) Pathway

Overview of Things Learned

Technical Skills:

reviewed how to use git and github

learned how to use Jupyter Notebooks

learned basic knowledge for FPGA and get familiar for PYNQ





Jupyter Notebooks

Soft Skills:

communicate with the leader group and make some decisions for the training session, group names, communication methods together.

Achievement Highlights and Tasks Completed

Conducted additional training session for git and Jupyter Notebooks with other two leaders

Made additional practice materials for Machine learning

Finished learning materials for FPGA, PYNQ, Git/Github, Jupyter Notebooks

Goals for Upcoming Week

Help group members on Machine learning projects

Get started working on PYNQ and embedded computing.

Working on the project demo


Technical Skills:

run ML projects on Jupyter Notebooks

get started with PYNQ board





Jupyter Notebooks

Soft Skills:

communicate with the leader group and making decisions on feedback server and ml projects.

Achievement Highlights and Tasks Completed

Created a feed back server using google form with other two leaders

answered questions about ml projects

get started with pynq board

Goals for Upcoming Week

continue working on PYNQ and embedded computing.

decided the projects topics and collaborate team members working on it.