Xgeng - Bioinformatics (Level 2) Pathway

My self-assessments will be posted here

Module 2 Self-Assessment: Week of 6/14

Things Learned:

Technical Area:

  • Learning about R modules and how to manipulate different data types in R
  • Learning about Rshiny. The structure of this module and how to build a simple Rshiny app.
  • Learning about reading and summarizing journal club paper


  • Slack
  • StemAway Platform
  • Rshiny

Soft Skills:

  • Team collaboration
  • Time management
  • Being efficient in familiar with new techniques.

Three achievement highlights

  • Build my first Rshiny app
  • Review R modules that I learned before
  • Summarize a research paper

Goals for the upcoming week:

  • Be more efficient and make a plan for module 3 before starting on it
  • List all the tasks by date and work on them one by one. I’m a little bit lost in following the tasks.

Detailed statement of tasks done:

  • I first work on the research paper. After reading the paper twice, summarized it and explained the figure assigned to me in a slide. Then worked on the Rshiny project by reading related articles posted and followed the steps. Built a volcano plot generator following that. Then work on Module 2 works. Basically downloaded the data and loaded the data.

Module 3 Self-Assessment: Week of 6/21

Things Learned:

Technical Area:

  • Learning about R modules and working with CEL files in R
  • Learning more about Rshiny. How to import data into R shiny and visualize the result
  • Learning more about the reasons of preforming varied tools on our data


  • Slack
  • StemAway Platform
  • Rshiny
  • Trello
  • Airtable
  • Zoom

Soft Skills:

  • Team collaboration
  • Time management
  • Split tasks
  • Searching about different modules more efficiently

Three achievement highlights

  • Improve my draft app for the project by adding quality control methods in it
  • Review R modules that I learned before and try to explore more other approaches
  • Identified outliers using these QC approaches

Goals for the upcoming week:

  • Contribute more on the final Rshiny app

Detailed statement of tasks done:

  • After loaded CEL files successfully, I first review Module 3 Level1 pipeline by exploring all the modules mentioned on the page. Then chose ONE to integrate in my draft app.