TundeAjayi - Machine Learning (Level 1) Pathway

Technical area

  • Learnt about selenium from the resources provided and also the documentation.

  • Studied the overview of html and css as applied to web scraping.

  • Studied git and github concepts again, for better understanding and application.


  • Colab

  • Trello, Google Meet

  • Selenium, Beautiful Soup, Pandas, Numpy

Soft Skills

  • Communication with team members.

  • Research - how to search for answers when I get stuck.

  • Documentation - applying comments to my codes where necessary.


  • I installed the required dependencies for web scraping - especially chrome driver.

  • I scraped a webpage and stored the target contents in a csv file.

  • I pushed the notebook to my github repo.

Hurdles/Future considerations

  • I am still in the process of understanding how to scrape dynamic webpages. It is not as easy as scraping a static webpage. I have been following Sara’s ecommerce tutorial and so far things are looking good. I tried to re-write the codes in my own way. I intend to perform EDA on the outcome and try working on another forum on my own.