Concise Overview of things learned: More R knowledge and Data Analysis in R, Tools R studio; Soft Skills: Working with others virtually
Three Achievement Highlights: Learned more about R, Able to meet with my team; Have the exposure I wanted to Bioinformatics was nice
Meetings Attended: Attended Most of meetings and webinars except for Happy Hour
Goals: Gain more R knowledge, Network with others
Tasks: Observed my team with Quality Control and normalization. Meeting with my team was a bit confusing because we scheduled meetings, however, no one attended, but we overcame that communication barrier
Overview of things learned:
- Technical - R Studio and downloading datasets
- Tools - Slack, Google Meets, R Studio, STEMAway website
- Soft Skills - communicating with other teammates, problem-solving, discussions with teammates
Three achievement highlights:
- Saw results produced by others groups which allowed me to understand the experiment further.
- Gained valuable insight on bioinformatics as an observer.
- Attended deliverables presentation
List of meetings attended including social team events:
- Team 1 meeting
- Team 1 deliverables presentation
Goals for the upcoming week:
- Fully strengthen my understanding of the data produced by the code.
Detailed statement of tasks done:
- Observed the code used by my teammates and the results that were produced. Communicated with teammates via Google Meet.
- Communicated with my team on slack and Google Meet.
Challenges and how those challenges were overcome:
*Didn’t really understand what was being analyzed at first but slack has helped.
Overview of things learned:
- Technical - R Studio and downloading datasets
- Tools - Slack, Google Meets, R Studio, STEMAway website
- Soft Skills - communicating with other teammates, problem-solving, discussions with teammates
Three achievement highlights:
- Was able to understand the graphs
- Gained valuable insight on bioinformatics as an observer.
- Attended deliverables presentation
List of meetings attended including social team events:
- Team 1 meeting
- Team 1 Last Meeting: Watched the Video
Goals for the upcoming week:
- Fully strengthen my understanding of the data produced by the code.
Detailed statement of tasks done:
- Observed the code used by my teammates and the results that were produced. Communicated with teammates via Google Meet.
- Final Presentation
- Communicated with my team on slack and Google Meet.
Challenges and how those challenges were overcome:
*Didn’t really understand what was being analyzed at first but slack has helped.
Overview of things learned:
- Technical - R Studio, understanding graphs, datsets
- Tools - Slack, Google Meets, R Studio, STEMAway website
- Soft Skills - communicating with other teammates, problem-solving, discussions with teammates, Netowrking, giving presentations
Three achievement highlights:
- Was able to understand the graphs
- Gained valuable insight on bioinformatics as an observer.
- Gave final presentation
List of meetings attended including social team events:
- Presentation Meeting
- Team 1 Last Meeting: Watched the Video
Goals for the upcoming week:
- Start my own projects in bioinformatics
Detailed statement of tasks done:
- Deliverables for last week
- Observed the code used by my teammates and the results that were produced. Communicated with teammates via Google Meet.
- Final Presentation
- Communicated with my team on slack and Google Meet.
Challenges and how those challenges were overcome:
*Didn’t really understand what was being analyzed at first but slack has helped.
Final Presentation- Includes final assessment