Self Assessment 2 - (7/28/20 - 8/4/20)
Overview of things learned:
Technical - Using R Studio and downloading datasets from deliverables
Tools - Slack, Google Meets, R Studio, STEMAway website
Soft Skills - communicating with other teammates, problem-solving, discussions with teammates
Three achievement highlights:
- Saw the results produced by other groups’ code through the team 1 joint meeting. Meeting made me further understand the results of experiment.
- Gained valuable insight on bioinformatics as an observer.
- Communicated with other group members about results in team meeting and on slack
List of meetings attended including social team events:
- 01/08 - Group 3 meeting to discuss deliverables
- 03/08 - Team 1 meeting
- 04/08 - Team 1 deliverables presentation
Goals for the upcoming week:
- Try to complete the deliverables at a faster pace
- Fully strengthen my understanding of the data produced by the code.
Detailed statement of tasks done:
- Observed the code used by my teammates and the results that were produced. Communicated with teammates via Google Meet.
- Communicated with my team on slack and Google Meet.
- Created a GitHub account.
Challenges and how those challenges were overcome:
*Didn’t really understand what was being analyzed at first but attending the meeting at the end of the week helped a lot.
*At the beginning, communicating with teammates was hard because of our different time zones but we scheduled meeting times we could all attend. Communication was also made easier after the Slack channels were made.
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Self Assessment 1 (7/21/20-7/28/20)
Overview of things learned:
Technical - Learning how to use R studio and downloading datasets from the database
Tools - R Studio, Slack, Google Meets
Soft Skills - critical thinking, communication, problem-solving
Three achievement highlights:
- I learned the basics of programming in R
- Observed my teammates’ code while completing the deliverables.
- I was assigned to a group and communicated with them.
List of meetings attended including social team events:
Attended all meetings except for happy hour
Goals for the upcoming week:
- Complete deliverables at a quicker pace.
- Become more used to programming in R
- Get to know my teammates better and network with them.
Detailed statement of tasks done:
Observed the code for the batch correction and quality control.
I also tried completing the first set of deliverables myself.
- Practiced communication with team on slack
- Learned the basics of R and its functions
Challenges and how those challenges were overcome:
- Struggled with programming in R at the start because I had no prior experience, causing me to complete the deliverables late.
Self Assessment 3 (8/4/20-8/11/20)
Overview of things learned:
Technical - Strengthened my understanding of programming with R
Tools - R Studio, Slack, Google Meets, STEMAway website.
Soft Skills - critical thinking, communication, problem-solving
Three achievement highlights:
- I learned the basics of programming in R
- Observed my teammates’ code while completing the deliverables.
- I communicated with my group during the meetings that we held to review code.
List of meetings attended including social team events:
Attended all meetings except for happy hour and office hours
Goals for the upcoming week:
- Complete deliverables at a quicker pace.
- Become more used to programming in R
- Get to know my teammates better and network with them.
Detailed statement of tasks done:
Observed the code for generating the KEGG plots and gained greater understanding on their significance.
I completed the first set of deliverables and started the second set.
- Practiced communication with team on slack
- Strengthened my ability to program in R
Challenges and how those challenges were overcome:
- The first set of deliverables took longer than I anticipated as I was new to programming. I got much faster as I got more used to it.
Self Assessment 4 (8/12/20-8/18/20)
Overview of things learned:
Technical - Strengthened my understanding of programming with R
Tools - R Studio, Slack, Google Meets, STEMAway website.
Soft Skills - critical thinking, communication, problem-solving
Three achievement highlights:
- I learned the basics of programming in R
- Gained lots of insight into the field of bioinformatics.
- Developed a greater understanding of the significance of our code.
List of meetings attended including social team events:
Attended all meetings except for happy hour and office hours
Goals for the upcoming week:
- Try to finish the final project in time
- Become more used to programming in R
- Manage my time better.
Detailed statement of tasks done:
Observed the code used by teammates and the results, allowed me to better understand the project.
- Practiced communication with team on slack
- Strengthened my ability to program in R
- Gained lots of insight on bioinformatics
Challenges and how those challenges were overcome:
- I had very limited time to work as I was busy with online classes and school starting soon.
Self Assessment 5 (8/18/20-8/25/20)
Overview of things learned:
Technical - Strengthened my understanding of programming with R, Understood the significance of the final projects
Tools - R Studio, Slack, Google Meets, STEMAway website.
Soft Skills - critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, discussion
Three achievement highlights:
- I developed a great understanding of what the data signifies.
- Gained lots of insight into the field of bioinformatics.
- Developed a greater understanding of the significance of our code.
List of meetings attended including social team events:
I was not able to attend the meetings as I was swamped with finals for online courses
Goals for the upcoming week:
- Finish reviewing the final projects of my peers.
Detailed statement of tasks done:
Observed the code used by teammates and the results, allowed me to better understand the project.
- Practiced communication with team on slack
- Strengthened my ability to program in R
- Gained lots of insight on bioinformatics
Challenges and how those challenges were overcome:
- I had very limited time to work as I was busy with online classes and school starting soon. Although I was unable to attend the final meeting, I looked through the final project submissions by my peers.