Shruti_Vora - Machine Learning (Level 1) Pathway

Module 2 Self Assessment

Technical Area:

  • Understood how to scrape data using BeautifulSoup and Selenium
  • Scraped important data from the Car Talk Forum ( Topic Title, Category Name, Tags, Leading Comment, Other Comments, # of views, # of likes)
  • Collected the data on an IDE and converted it into a CSV file and JSON file


  • Visual Studio Code
  • BeautifulSoup
  • Pandas
  • Selenium
  • CSV
  • Youtube→ to understand more about how to perform web scraping
  • Developer Tools like “Inspect Elements” on the forum webpage
  • Car Talk Discourse Forum

Soft Skills:

  • Web Scraping with Python
  • Created a DataFrame with my collected data and converted it into a CSV file
  • Fixed the bugs in my code
  • Watched Youtube Videos on web scraping with Python when I needed guidance.


  • Understood the Car Talk Discourse Forum from where I had to extract the data
  • Successfully scraped data from the Car Talk Discourse Forum
  • Understood how to do web scraping with Python
  • Collected the data into a DataFrame using Pandas and created a CSV file


  • Chose a Discourse Forum→ Car Talk Forum
  • Scraped data from the forum
  • Removed HTML tags
  • Created a DataFrame using Pandas, and created a CSV file and a JSON file

Level 1 Module 3 Self Assessment

Technical Area:

  • Extracted more data from the forum (all the data from the whole forum; our group split the work, and then one person combined everything into one csv–’combined_csv.csv’ )
  • Picked the important features from the dataframe stored in the CSV file
  • Removed the ‘commenters,’ ‘views,’ and ‘author’ features.
  • Cleaned the data by removing the punctuation, unnecessary numbers, removing stopwords, and lowercasing the text.
  • Performed EDA on our data→ creating Word Clouds and Bigrams
  • Extracted insights about our data through EDA.
  • Split the data (80% training, 20% testing)
  • Created classification models on our data with logistic regression, naive bayes, and decision tree.
  • Calculated precision, recall, and f-1 score for each model.
  • Logistic regression had the best outcome.


  • Visual Studio Code
  • Python Packages (Numpy, NLTK, sklearn,…)
  • Youtube (for tutorials)

Soft Skills:

  • Remove certain columns from a dataframe. (cleaning the data)
  • Removing stop words and punctuations from the text data.
  • Getting insights from the data by performing EDA.
  • training / testing the model which would predict the certain category a post belongs to.
  • Fixing bugs in my code and asking my team members for help.


  • Cleaning the data and removing unnecessary information.
  • Changing dataset by removing some features.
  • Successfully performing EDA on the model, and grabbing important insights about the data.
  • Found out that the ‘tags’ feature plays an important role and increases the accuracy of the model.
  • Creating the classification models and testing the accuracy of each model in predicting the category a post belongs to.


  • Extracting more information from the forum (extracted all the information from the Car Talk Forum)
  • Cleaned the data by removing stopwords, punctuations, and lowercase the text.
  • Performed EDA on data by creating Word Clouds and Bigrams.
  • Split the data into training and testing (80% training, 20% testing)
  • Created classification models and calculated the accuracy, F1 score, recall, and precision.

EDA example: Created Word Clouds for all the topics on the Car Talk Forum. Some examples are shown below.

Level 1 Module 1 Self Assessment

Technical Area:

  • I learned about the importance and uses of machine learning.
  • Two approaches to Recommender Systems: Content Based Methods and Collaborative Filtering Methods. Common method is hybrid- which is a mix of both, and used in the industry.
  • Data mining is the method where you extract data from a data set and transform it so that it can be used for Web Scraping.
  • Scraping and Crawling are both methods for getting information from web pages
  • API’s allow the user to explore data from the interface.


  • Beautiful Soup
  • Discourse Forum: Car Talk
  • Scrapy
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Python

Soft Skills

  • Understood and explored the different libraries in Python and learned about NLP
  • Looked through the Beautiful Soup documentation
  • Understood the various recommender systems


  • Revised over the Python Basics and Libraries
  • Understood the new Python library–> Beautiful Soup
  • Got introduced to Web Scraping, API’s, and Recommender Systems.


  • Watched the videos for Machine Learning Basics
  • Understood the new information on the different recommender systems.
  • Learned about Web Scraping.
  • Understood about Logistic Regression.

Level 1 Module 4 Self Assessment

Technical Area:

  • Check if data was cleaned (no HTML tags or unnecessary words or numbers- mainly completed in Module 3)
  • Tried training the BERT model (unsuccessful → became very complex)
  • Made changes to the simple ML module, since I had errors.


  • Visual Studio Code
  • Python Packages (Numpy, NLTK, sklearn,…)
  • Youtube (for tutorials)
  • Tutorials in Module 1 to familiarize in NLP
  • Documentations on the advanced models

Soft Skills:

  • Removing stop words and punctuations from the text data.
  • Fixing bugs in my code and asking my team members for help.
  • Learning about BERT modelling
  • Searching the web if I didn’t understand a NLP concept


  • Cleaning the data and removing unnecessary information.
  • Getting familiar to BERT modeling
  • Understanding what BERT is by watching Youtube videos and reading through documentations
  • Along with BERT, tried understanding the other advanced models like ‘xlnet’, ‘xlm’, ‘roberta’, ‘distilbert’ and the difference between them.
  • Tried training the BERT model.


  • Looking through my code, fixing errors received from past modules.
  • Understanding BERT, and what it is used for in Machine Learning.
  • Understood the other advanced models like ‘xlnet’, ‘xlm’, ‘roberta’, ‘distilbert’
  • Wasn’t able to understand how to successfully train the BERT model, so I need to still work on understanding that.
  • I need to learn how to combine the advanced and simple models and discover how the results change.