Saleema - Hardware Engineering (Level 1) Pathway

Week 1 and 2:

Technical Area:

  • I gained an understanding of how a FPGA works and flexibility in having a PYNQ board. I feel more comfortable in using a PYNQ board and exploring existing projects through Jupyter Notebook.


  • Jupyter Notebook: I was able to setup and navigate through Jupyter Notebook by exploring existing projects, specifically for machine learning.

  • Git/Github: I refreshed my knowledge of Git/Github and even got deeper into topics that I had previous known of.

Soft Skills:

  • I got to learn more about leading a team and how communicating with my team is important.


  • Having a training session on Git/Github and Jupyter Notebook


  • Explore existing Jupyter Notebook projects

  • Help to set up the team, training session, etc.

Goals for the upcoming week:

  • To completely understand a simple machine learning project

  • Set up PYNQ board

  • Present my learning so far and demo project

Week 3:

Technical Area:

  • I gained an understanding of machine learning projects: detecting handwritten letters or numbers. I explored communication protocols of I2C, UART, SPI and digital electronics.


  • Jupyter Notebook


  • Understood a simple machine learning project

Goals for the upcoming week:

  • Set up PYNQ board

  • Learn more about implementing FPGA overlay


Technical Area:


Soft Skills:



Goals for the upcoming week: