Role: Mentor for Team 6 ( Topic Recommendation Project) and Contributor in Team 2 (Tag Annotation Project)
In Team 6:
- Conduct presentations on the topics that are unfamiliar to teammates in Team 6.
- Organize scrum and status meeting along with project leads to discuss upon sprint planning.
- Conduct FAQ sessions for topics that require a deep-dive as a Subject Matter Expert.
In Team 2:
- Project plan and architecture design along with project leads
- Part of decision making regarding Tech stack to be used.
- Participate in weekly scrums.
- Build a recommender system for Tag Annotation with active learning loop implementation.
- Deploy the application in dev and test environment for demonstrative and testing purposes using Streamlit
- Migrate the entire application to AWS using Deep Learning Ubuntu instance.
- Setup Networking, VPC, EC2, RDS, SES and Quota limit of vCPUs on AWS.
- Presentation preparation on the work I had contributed for
My weekly assessments are as follows:
Week: 7/20
Overview of Things Performed:
- Mentoring the Team 6 with basics of Machine Learning and recommender systems.
- Slack channel setup for communication
- Delegation of roles and responsibilities among different leads.
- Tools Used: Jupyter notebooks for coding demos. STEM-Away forum and Slack channel for communication.
- Soft Skills: Leadership principles, communication with the project leads and technical leads, delegation of authority
Achievements/ Accomplishments
- Successfully sketched the project planning and the architected the tech stack that will be required.
- Conducted FAQ and greeting sessions with teammates in order to showcase the roadmap of the internship.
Meetings Organized
- Kick-off meeting for Team 6
- FAQ session
Goals for the Upcoming Week
Deep dive webinar to be conducted on web scraping using python, selenium and Beautiful Soup.
Week: 07/27/2020
Overview of Things Performed:
Technical Area: Demonstrated scraping data from the discourse forum with the help of BeautifulSoup and Selenium using Python.
Tools Used: Jupyter notebooks for coding. STEM-Away forum, Slack channel for regular communication and posting the updates.
Soft Skills: ** - Leadership principles , communication with the project leads and technical leads, delegation of authority
- Demonstrated the reason behind choosing this tech stack. BeautifulSoup4 to scrape data. Why selenium is required for dynamic web scraping using automation features.
- Explained potential Data mining techniques that can be used in this project.
Meetings Organized
- Web Scraping introduction
- Web-scraping presentation and introduction to Data pre-processing techniques
Goals for the Upcoming Week
Help the team members with any issues they might still be facing in web-scraping.
Week: 08/04/2020
Overview of Things Performed:
- Technical Area: Data Pre-processing using pandas , Introduction to TF-IDF
- Tools Used: Jupyter notebooks for coding. STEM-Away forum , Slack channel for regular communication and posting the updates.
- Soft Skills: ** - Leadership principles , communication with the project leads and technical leads, delegation of authority
- Demonstrated Data Pre-processing measures and TF-IDF applications in real-world
Meetings Organized
1.Data pre-processing techniques
Goals for the Upcoming Week
Help the team members with any issues they might still be facing in data-preprocessing
Week: 8/10
Overview of Things Performed:
- Technical Area: data processing, TF-IDF and BERT model training
- Tools: pytorch, simple transformers, BERT
- Soft Skills: #communication, #teamwork
Achievements Highlights
- Compared and contrasted several methods and implemented the model as a topic classifier instead of a forum classifier.
Meetings Organized
- Present Pre-Processing and TF-IDF
- Implementing the BERT Model
Goals for the Upcoming Week
- Make a forum classifier
- Assist any team members for the Topic classifier to prepare an recommender algorithm
Week: 8/17
Working on Tag Recommender system for Team 2 and Mentoring for Topic Recommender system for Team 6.
Overview of Things Performed:
Team 2:
- Technical Area: data processing, BERT model training
- Tools: torch, transformers
- Soft Skills: #communication, #teamwork
Achievement Highlights
- Figured out how to implement the model as a category classifier instead of a forum classifier because we just had the data of one forum that was divided into multiple categories.
Meetings attended
- 8/10 - Present Pre-Processing and TF-IDF
- 8/12 - Check-in about implementing the BERT Model
Goals for the Upcoming Week
- Complete the Topic Recommender system and guide the team 6 to do so.
- Finalize a model for tag recommender system (in between TF-IDF + Logistic Regression or TF-IDF +Neural Networks or BERT+ NN)