Things I learned:
- Reviewed the basics and extended knowledge of Python
- Learned basic knowledge of R; how to plot certain graphs, syntax, etc.
- Introductory understanding of genetics and differential gene expression
Achievement Highlights:
Learned a basic understanding of R
Understood the relationship between data science and gene expression (and subsequent effects)
Meetings and Trainings Attended: -
Kickoff Meeting
6/2: R training,
6.3: Technical training webinar,
6/8: Gene Team meeting,
6/9: R training, UG meeting
6/10: Logistical webinar, Technical training
6/12: R Training
6/15: Gene Team meeting
6/16: Asana training
Goals for the upcoming week:
- Do more research and have a better understanding of the paper
- Show up for the Happy Hour meetings
- Improve skills in every field (more specifically biology and R)
Tasks Completed:
- Python Set 1
- R Set 1
My Role: Observer