Nikhilbhutani - Machine Learning Pathway

Name – Nikhil Bhutani
Team Name – ML Team 6
Role - Participant

Week 1-6
Overview of the things learnt:
• Machine Learning models – BERT, Sentence Transformers
• Web Scraping using Selenium and Beautiful soup.
• Data pre-processing
• Data Analysis
• Data Cleaning

• Google Colab
• Slack
• Asana
• Excel
• Github
• Jupyter(Anaconda)

Soft Skills:
• Team work
• Effective communication skills
• Time management

Achievement Highlights:

• Performing web scraping on the Stackoverflow website, creating a dataset containing title, comments, categories, tags, posts.
• Analyzed data for pre-processing.
• Preprocessed the data using some text data cleaning techniques like stemming, removing null values, lemmatization, removing stop words and many more.
• Presented a data analysis report of the csv obtained from scraping 13 categories of StackOverflow. The report consisted of the anomalies that needed to be addressed as part of the data preprocessing stage.
• Studied about NLP and the BERT model and applied it successfully to achieve a very good accuracy of 93%.

Meetings Attended:
• Weekly ML Team 6 Meetings(Twice a week)
• The final presentation.

Overall it was the most amazing experience to being able to learn so much from such experienced people and collaborating with people across the world.