Technical Area - Basic linux command line, Ruby syntax, git branching
Tools - WSL, Asana, Discourse, github
Soft Skills - Keeping in track with team progress and meetings through active communication.
Three Achievement Highlights
Learned to use Windows Subsystem and installed Discourse Server
Learned basic git commands and Ruby syntax to complete the Ruby gradebook mini-task.
Started a free online course on full-stack to self-study on the side.
Meetings Attended
Meeting with industry mentor
3x meetings a week
Goals for the Upcoming Week
Become familiar with HTML and CSS and start learning to use web frameworks.
Go through the Discourse theme development guide.
Detailed Statement of Tasks Done
Newest stable release of Ubuntu has been installed in my Windows Subsystem and Discourse along with its required packages have successfully been installed.
After learning syntax used in Ruby some object-oriented programming was practiced in the Ruby gradebook mini-task