Week 2 Self-Assessment
Things Learned:
Technical Skills
- Using the Bioconductor packages to load data into R.
- Creating a basic RShiny application
- R Studio
- R shiny
- Bioconductor
- Trello
Soft Skills
- Communicating with my team to create a presentation for this week
- Leading a team meeting to talk about objectives for the week
Week 3 Self-Assessment
Things Learned:
Technical Skills
- Doing Quality Control analysis in R using the affyQCReport package
- Normalizing microarray data using R
- Creating boxplots to compare raw data to normalized data
- Create and manage Github repositories
- R Studio
- affy
- Bioconductor
- Github
Soft Skills
- Managing communications between multiple groups and teams
- Creating goals for myself to manage my time between tasks efficiently