strong textConcise overview of things learned. Break it up into Technical Area, Tools, Soft Skills:**
Technical : I have gained more experience on python, specially pandas library. Have understood the basics of webscraping using selenium.
Tools : Have been introduced with Asana and GitHub.
Soft Skills :Collaboration with other team mates.
Three achievement highlights:
- Started collaborating in Github with team mates.
2… Got introduced to Jupiter notebook and python pandas library and used it. - Learned about webscraping and did some hands on work.
List of meetings/ training attended including social team events
Attended most team meetings and watched webinar videos related to webscraping and Github.
Goals for the upcoming week. Next self-assessment will be due on the following Tuesday 06/23
Clean the extracted data and use it. In the process, want to learn some new things on ML.
Detailed statement of tasks done. State each task, hurdles faced if any and how you solved the hurdle. You need to clearly mark whether the hurdles were solved with the help of training webinars, some help from project leads or significant help from project leads.
–Got introduced to and opened account on GSuite, Asana and Github.
Hurdle: Needed some help regarding opening the Gsuite account.
– Started using Jupiter notebook and python. Got familiar with pandas library. Did some elementary webscraping using selinium and pandas. Imported the data as pandas .csv data frame.
Hurdle: The whole concept of webscraping was new to me, and I am not a lot familiar with ML techniques. Got familiar with many things lately, and needed help from group members.