Things Learned
Technical Area
Soft Skills
Achievement Highlights
- Started working with the team
- Watched Kick-off meetings and read the first module of the Stem-away prep courses
- Reviewed and Analyzed Session 1’s User research and Flow charts
- Implemented Wireframing with the Team
Goals for Upcoming week
- Catch up with Session 1 and everything they have done so far
- Improve the wireframes created this week
- Have a better understanding of the BioInformatics project
- Get more accustomed with the Figma Interface
Tasks Done
Things Learned
Technical Area
Soft Skills
- Collaboration
- Brain Storming
Achievement Highlights
- Discussed and Implemented changes to wireframe with the team
- Read the second module of the Stem-away prep courses
- Got to work more closely with the team
Goals for Upcoming week
- Implement user testing of the low fidelity prototype
- Have a clear view of the needs of the Bio-Informatics team
- Use Notion effectively
Tasks Done
- Improved wireframes
- Added Interactions to prototypes
- Read the second module of the Stem-away prep courses
Things Learned
Technical Area
- Wireframing
- Prototyping
- User Testing
- Figma
- Discord
- Notion
- Zoom
Soft Skills
- Collaboration
- Brain Storming
- Interviewing
Achievement Highlights
- Tested our low-fidelity prototype with a user
- Got feedback on the prototype from mentors
- Implemented changes based on the feedback
Goals for Upcoming week
- Improve the high-fidelity prototype
- Add more interactivity to the prototype
- Get ready for the upcoming presentation
Tasks Done
- Tested prototype with Bio Informatics Team
- Improved prototype based on the feedback from mentors and Bio Informatics Team
Things Learned
Technical Area
- Figma
- Discord
- Notion
- Zoom
Soft Skills
- Collaboration
- Brain Storming
- Critical Thinking
Achievement Highlights
- Implemented changes on the prototype
- Finalized high fidelity prototypes
Goals for Upcoming week
- Add minor changes to final prototype
- Finish Presentation
Tasks Done