Faryaalalam - Vaping Detection & Mitigation Pathway

Throughout Week 2, I attended the Team 2 Meeting and watched the recording of the FPGA Training. I also worked to facilitate responses with the Vaping Survey the group had. I learned how essential communication is when working in a team and how important it was to follow up with those who I sent the survey too. Throughout the internship, I have learned about project management skills and learning more about FPGAs is very interesting. Three achievement highlights throughout week 2 would be I have getting to know others on the team a little bit better, expanded my knowledge on FPGAs, and learned a little bit more about the different kinds of vaping equipments. The goals for this upcoming week would be to set up a time to meet with the Team members, work on the project presentation that is due next week, and work on planning the Happy Hour.

This self-assessment is great! I would just divide the sentences to these categories:

  • Concise overview of things learned. Break it up into Technical Area, Tools, Soft Skills
  • Three achievement highlights
  • List of meetings/training attended including social team events
  • Goals for the upcoming week.
  • Detailed statement of tasks done. State each task, hurdles faced if any and how you solved the hurdle. You need to clearly mark whether the hurdles were solved with the help of training webinars, some help from project leads or significant help from project leads.

Let me know if you would like to see an example of one of mine I did for the bioinformatics pathway.

Self Assessment for Week 3

Technical areas:
-Sent out the survey to as many people as possible
-Made a Kahoot for the Happy Hour on Friday
-Expanded my knowledge on FPGAs and Logic Gates

-Learned how to communicate in a remote environment with team mebers
-Learned how to use Trello to mark of what we are all doing
-Learned more about how to utilize the Google Drive to share documents with the members of Vaping Team 2

Soft Skills:
-Communicating in a remote environment
-Learning how to Network
-Facilitating a Happy Hour

Three Achievements:
-Watched all FPGA Trainings
-Learned more about the Flysense Vaping Detector
-Successfully planned the Happy Hour for Friday

List of Meetings/Trainings Attended:
-Sub Team Meeting (7/28)
-FPGA Training (7/30)
-Happy Hour (7/31)

-Work on Week 4 Deliverables
-Attend meetings and ask questions for clarification
-Research more about FPGAs and Logic Tables

Tasks Completed/Hurdles Faced:
-Successfully completed the Week 3 Deliverable
-Learned a lot about how prevalent vaping is in my community

Hi Faryaal.

Can you please format your self assessment title as Faryaal Alam- Vaping Pathway-Self Assessment? Please also add tags for the self assesment and vaping pathway.

Self Assessment Week 4

Technical Areas:
-Expanded knowledge about Flysense vaping detector
-Learned more about Logic Gates
-Expanded knowledge about Halo vaping detectors through presentation

-Learned essential communication skills
-Usage of Google Drive/Hangouts to communicate with team members
-Learned more about Quartus

Soft Skills:
-Using Linkedin to network
-Reaching out to team leads with questions
-Learning teamwork skills in a remote environment

Three achievements:
-Caught up on all recordings of FPGA trainings
-Successfully presented Week 4 Deliverables
-Learned more about both Flysense and Halo Vaping Detector

List of Meetings/Trainings Attended:
-Team Meeting 4 (8/3)
-VP Co-Team Meeting (8/10)

-Work on Week 5 Deliverables
-Attend meetings for Week 5
-Continue research on Flysense vaping detector

Tasks Completed/Hurdles Faced:
-Started Week 5 Deliverables
-Asked questions regarding confusion with Quartus
-Learned more about vaping detector designs

Self Assessment for Week 5:

Technical Areas:
-Expanded knowledge about how to use Quartus
-Continued learning about Logic Gates
-Created a block diagram for Flysense Detector

-Google Drive/Hangout

Soft Skills:
-Creating an effective resume
-Using Linkedin to expand network
-Communicating in a remote environment

Three achievements:
-Presented Week 5 Deliverables at the meeting
-Grew Linkedin network
-Learned how to effectively use Quartus

List of Meetings/Trainings Attended:
-Team Meeting (8/10)
-FPGA Training (8/13)
-Co-Team Meeting (8/15)

-Work on Week 6 Deliverables
-Attend the meetings and expand knowledge on vaping detectors
-Work on resume format

Tasks Completed/Hurdles Faced:
-Completed Week 5 Deliverables
-Completed lab on Quartus
-Learned more about vaping detectors

Self Assessment for Week 6
Technical Areas:
-Learned more about FPGAS
-Learned about publications and effective writing styles for research papers
-Utilizing Quartus

-Google Drive
-Microsoft Excel

Soft Skills:
-Creating an effective resume
-Learning how to effectively network
-Communication in the Stem Away Platform

Three achievements:
-Created report
-Learned about publications
-Working effectively in a group in a remote environment

List of Meetings/Training Attended:
-Watched recording of Publications Meeting with Mandy on 8/21
-Watched Recording of Vaping Team 2 Meeting on 8/17
-Caught up on all FPGA Trainings

-Work on Final Report
-Prepare for presentation on Friday

Tasks Completed/Hurdles Faced:
-Worked on Final Report
-Final presentation completed