June 17, 2021, 6:19am
Technical Skills:
Refreshed my knowledge of the Transcriptomics Pipeline/how to read and analyze a bioinformatics paper
Experimented with RShiny interactive plotting
Analyzed UX requirements of planned educational app and responded to survey
Tools Used:
GSuite/Google Calendar
STEM-Away Forums
Soft Skills:
Project Management
Presentation Skills
Onboarding Assistance
Achievement Highlights:
Set up all of the required collaboration for my team and successfully addressed all issues
Lead team meetings along with co-leads
Simultaneously worked on technical skills along with project management duties - ramped up RShiny knowledge
Collaborating with people in a new environment (different from school)
Had to ramp up very quickly with new PM tools
June 30, 2021, 5:52pm
Technical Skills:
Completed data input stage of the Transcriptomics Pipeline
Developed overall understanding of project in order to drive the people and task management of our deliverable
Participated in UX interview about the R Shiny App user interface
Gained expertise in building automations between different PM tools (e.g., Sheets, AirTable, etc.)
Tools Used:
Additional collaboration tools in Week 2:
Soft Skills:
Collaboration with co-leads and team
Project Management
Presentation Skills
Feedback Collection
Achievement Highlights:
Graduated from managing own team to helping out across all teams for the R Shiny App development
Created an efficient PM solution by using automations to link required tools and my understanding of the overall project
Worked effectively with team co-leads (Ashlesha and Marc), as well as overall project co-leads (Sam, Kelly, and Nikita)
Multitasking to cover many different areas
Had to get familiar with AirTable features beyond the starting concept of records
Iframe embeddings
June 30, 2021, 6:12pm
Technical Skills:
Completed Quality Control stage of the Transcriptomics Pipeline using arrayQualityMetrics
Experimented with different quality control functions
Saw how different data structures allow for the use of specific functions
Learned what each output plot from arrayQualityMetrics displays and how to analyze the results
Gave a presentation about the outputs with Huikun (Kelly) to our team
Normalized data (after QC) using rma
Tools Used:
GitHub and GitHub Pages
Continued use of collaboration tools
Soft Skills:
Collaboration with co-leads and team
Project Management
Presentation Skills
Feedback Collection
Achievement Highlights:
Created sub-group structure for the R Shiny App project with Sam and Nikita
Helped teammates with technical queries
Integrated session 2 participants and leads into project structure
Used feedback form to improve the effectiveness of sub-groups
Meetings, task assignments, collaboration, etc.
Sub-groups were struggling with initially planned structure, needed change
July 9, 2021, 5:07am
Technical Skills:
Completed DEG identification/ visual representation stage of the Transcriptomics Pipeline using limma , pheatmap , and EnhancedVolcano
Made a heatmap that grouped by sample types (cancer vs. control) for better visualization
Made two topTables, one with all of the genes and one with the top 100 DEGs; compared the second with that of the paper
Played around with different data structures to see which types were compatible with each function
Learned how to make a GitHub page for next steps in sub-group D of RShiny app development
Tools Used:
GitHub and GitHub Pages
Continued use of collaboration tools
Soft Skills:
Collaboration with co-leads and team
Project Management
Presentation Skills
Feedback Collection
Achievement Highlights:
Finalized group structure for the R Shiny App project (sub-groups A and B1) with Nikita
Helped teammates with technical queries
Developed group structure for sub-group D and assigned relevant tasks for this week
Compared my DEG results with those of the paper and found that the results mostly overlapped
The differences likely due to removing fewer samples during QC
Was experimenting with visualizations and used too large of a structure as an input for pheatmap(), which caused R to crash
Unfortunately, had to go through all of the steps over again
Struggled a bit with balancing all of my tasks since our work for the app has ramped up this week.
July 26, 2021, 5:31pm
Technical Skills:
Completed Functional analysis stage of the Transcriptomics Pipeline using msigdb and clusterProfiler
Changed the gene symbols to ENTREZIDs and ENSEMBLs for plots
Made a GSEA plot, a barplot and dotplot for enrichKEGG, and a barplot and dotplot for enrichGO
Produced code for normalization in R Shiny app with choice of RMA , GCRMA , and MAS5 normalization methods
Tools Used:
GitHub and GitHub Pages
Continued use of collaboration tools
Soft Skills:
Collaboration with co-leads and team
Project Management
Presentation Skills
Feedback Collection
Achievement Highlights:
Group A/B1 completed the loading in of data/QC/normalization portion of R Shiny app
Finalized ideas for content and structure of GitHub page and adjusted template accordingly with with Kelly
Produced question set for blog portion of GitHub page
clusterProfiler was initially not loading in because of an error with a package “GO.db” not being compatible with my R version
Wasn’t able to set up happy hours this week, will need to try again next week
July 26, 2021, 5:51pm
Technical Skills:
Completed Functional Analysis using Web Tools stage of the Transcriptomics Pipeline using DAVID , StringDB , and GEPIA
Specifically looked at the clustering view for DAVID and the gene AGER in GEPIA
Explored to find what the results of the Web Tools signified
DAVID: found out what clusters meant and how “Enrichment Score” correlates to significance of a cluster
String DB*: Clicked on the proteins associated with the top 10 genes in my top table to read about their function and see what they look like
Learned how to insert images that don’t have urls into GitHub pages
Tools Used:
GitHub and GitHub Pages
Continued use of collaboration tools
Soft Skills:
Collaboration with co-leads and team
Project Management
Presentation Skills
Feedback Collection
Achievement Highlights:
Found a way to make a logarithmic scale for adjusting the fold change cut-off in R Shiny
Managed to resolve errors with inserting logo for the GitHub page using the inspect button
Wrapped up level 1 portion of the internship with our team’s participants
Gave a presentation with Kelly about StringDB and GEPIA
Got Modupe and Hale started with interviewing participants for our GitHub page’s blog
Initially wasn’t sure what exactly DAVID’s results were indicating; had to explore quite a bit to figure out what each of its features mean
Struggled with making the fold change scale in R Shiny volcano plot
The scale is logarithmic, but sliderInput() only allows for linear scales; had to use shinyWidgets to manually enter possible fold change values
August 1, 2021, 1:42am
Technical Skills:
Developed code for Functional Analysis for R Shiny app
Took Maryam’s code for GSEA plot and implemented it in R Shiny
Took my code for EnrichGO and EnrichKEGG and made sliders for numbers of categories shown
Learned about how to make tables in html to better the structure of our GitHub page
Thanks Keegan from UX/UI for helping us with this!
Found functions for making a button to download plots in R Shiny so that users can view EnrichGO/KEGG, gsea, and pathview plots better
Tools Used:
GitHub and GitHub Pages
Continued use of collaboration tools
Soft Skills:
Collaboration with co-leads and team
Project Management
Presentation Skills
Feedback Collection
Achievement Highlights:
Gave a presentation to Anya and Ali about our R Shiny app, sMAP (standard microarray analysis pathway)
Found ways to make functional analysis steps of our app interactive
Finalized the GitHub page’s blog’s content and formatting
Uploaded all my individual contributions to our GitHub repo
Continued issues with clusterProfiler made it difficult to test my code for functional analysis in the app; ended up having to ask Nikita to test my code
The code for loading in raw data wasn’t functioning on most people’s devices
There was an error where the app couldn’t find the CEL files
I found a solution using the setwd() function, but that wouldn’t work if the user already had a directory of the same name as the temporary directory