Dgetz4 - Entrepreneurship Pathway

Achievement Highlights;

  • Implemented SCUM on team trello board,
  • Collaborated with international team to develop two successful presentations,
    -explored a unique revenue stream that has remained mostly untapped in the online internship market.
    Technical Skills/Tools Learned;
    -Trello and implementing SCRUM on Trello
    -Competitive Analysis Research tools (Google trends, similar web, serpstat, etc.)
    -Using Google Slides more efficiently and Infographics
    -Business Model Canvas to explore Revenue Streams
    Soft Skills;
    -Ice breakers in virtual meetings
    -Coordinating meetings with three different time zones and tight student schedules
    -collaborate and synthesize multiple ideas for cohesive presentations
    Meetings: Full team meetings;
    -Introduction Meeting 7/15
    Revenue Models Meeting 7/16
    Trello Meeting 7/18
    Revenue Stream Presentation 7/23
    Competitive Analysis Meeting 7/25
    Competitive Analysis Presentation 8/1
    Subteam Meetings;
    Revenue Streams:7/20, 7/22
    Competitive Analysis: 7/27, 7/28,7/30,7/31
    Marketing: 8/5
    Goals for Week: create presentation on market strategy complete with piece of marketing and media calendar

Self Assessment for Week 8/3 and 8/10
Achievement Highlights:

  • used canva to design a mock-up linked in ad
  • created mock up stem-away thread ad with appropriate tags
  • created social media calendar
  • researched SEO strategies and designed new alt-tags, internal links, backlinks, and meta descriptions
  • researched and chose appropriate keywords for revenue idea in keyword planning

Technical Skills/Tools learned:

  • canva design/ ad creation
  • linked-in marketing and site navigation
  • google tools (google trends, keyword tool, marketing) and keyword tool
  • navigating STEM-AWAY forum and creating appropriate threads and hashtags
  • Google sheets to create appropriate social media calendar
  • SEO strategies and on/off page planning
  • Trello daily stand-ups and routine SCUM organization on trello boards

Meetings Attended:

  • Marketing Team Meetings 8/4, 8/6, 8/11, /8/12
  • meeting with expert 8/4
  • Deliverables 8/7 and 8/14

Goals for Upcoming Week:

  • create elevator pitch for final week
  • explore other areas of entrepreneurship
  • bond with teammates on final week
  • become Trello master

Marketing Weeks Achievement Highlights

The marketing weeks of this internship were some of the most challenging as our subteam developed in-depth marketing plans for students and universities as we considered our unique revenue stream model. Our SEO strategy not only focused on small details of URL structure but also accessibility and diversity as we considered alt-text design and language barriers in using our internship/career fair platform. We ran into some difficulty with keyword planning as our group had little experience in keyword planning and as we brainstormed keywords and had limited access to free keyword planning tools. Luckily, cross communication with our main team leader, Vrinda, made it possible for us to get an excel keyword planning sheet from google keyword tool since she had an account to run our ideas through the program for us! Managing and organizing our team has been difficult as we navigate three different time zones and school/work schedules. We overcome these logistical challenges by engaging in a group-me groupchat, organized SCUM trello board complete with daily standups, and regular google meetings at a predictable and agreed-upon time. Since meeting times tend to be short, we often delegate work for individuals to complete and then finalize projects with collaborative comparison, and send questions in the group-me when necessary. I think one of the best highlights of our group work has been our mock-advertisements for a variety of platforms and for specifically linked-in. Our team put in a lot of thought into how these advertisements should be designed, the target audience, the cost, and goals of them. I created advertisements targeting the student demographic of our career-fair revenue stream for both linked-in and our very own stem-away platform. https://docs.google.com/document/d/19HvNRI_cuaIgrN8ZgkRSAiWzJf6mD6Uf8Os644BieVY/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10-E1OF75Py7O1fo-kYr4DuxqP4LrXPztkjEI0_Fwb80/edit?usp=sharing

Final Week Pitch Deck/Elevator Pitch/Reflection

Achievement Highlights:

  • summarized work throughout internship into successful pitch presentation
  • Conducted a customer survey through google survey systems
  • Brainstormed elevator pitches
  • brought our revenue stream idea to life with personas, marketing campaigns, competitor analysis and background/impact considerations for our pitch

Technical Skills/Tools Learned:

  • google survey and how to conduct/advertise survey
  • survey analysis and survey bias/flaws
  • competitor axis graphic
  • selling a story/ making a personal appealing pitch

Meetings Attended:

  • 8/18,8/20,8/22 subteam meetings
  • 8/23 Pitch Presentation Meeting


This internship was an incredible experience of global collaboration, skill training and entrepreneurship learning. I was exposed to so many new pieces of entrepreneurship such as SEO strategy and keyword planning as well as developed my skills further in topics such as marketing/ad design and revenue stream development. Throughout this internship our group collaborated between three different time zones and a balance of busy schedules to truly mature our idea of a virtual career fair in a variety of topics like marketing, competition and revenue streams. Our final presentation highlighted the impact of accessible, free internships can have on students and I know I already feel the impact as I walk away from this internship with new skills, resources and knowledge that I can apply to my own ideas. The best part of the entrepreneurship internship has been knowing everything I’m learning could be applied to any idea I have now or in the future that would enable me to see my ideas come to life. These new skills I’ve learned offer me the ability to create my own career and use my own ideas. STEM is often heavy in important technical skills, but the soft skills and non-stem technical skills I learned in this internship will enable me to turn my STEM ideas into STEM realities.