1. Overview of Things Learned
Technical Area
- Further solidified my background in R and Rstudio (including volcano plots, PCA, heat maps, etc.)
- I was able to get back into the “mindset” and refresh my working memory of Python since I hadn’t used that language in about 2 years.
- Improved my ability to read, understand, and critique scientific papers in the bioinformatics and data science sectors.
- Stem-Away Platform
- R & R Studio (w/ various packages)
- GEO, KEGG Database
- Jupyter Notebook to run Python
- Slack and Gsuite
Soft Skills
- Organize myself and get accustomed to having multiple places to check for information (email, Slack, STEM-Away, Google drive, etc.)
- I have also learned how to professionally communicate online by interacting with team members, responding to forums and emails, etc.
2. Three achievement highlights
- I have been able to fully review and understand the research paper, looking up relevant literature to further deepen my understanding of microarray and gene expressions in the context of cancer.
- Improved my R coding skills and learned how to create/interpret volcano plots.
- Understand the technical side of bioinformatics and relate it the more “wet lab” based experiments.
3. Meetings Attended
- Technical Webinar #1, #2, #3
- All team meetings (Group 3 and GeneTeam)
- Logistical Webinar
- Welcome Session on Leadership & Program Management by Stephanie & Katie
4. Goals for the upcoming week.
- Become used to all the communication platforms and become even more organized (I have missed some of the technical webinars since I didn’t know the times that they were being given)
- Continue to practice with Python and finish the exercises.
- Meet with my small team and begin our tasks
- Familiarize myself with Asana
- Be sure to re-watch recorded lectures, OHs, and trainings to bring myself up to speed.