- Things learned:
Technical Area
- Learned object designing in Ruby
- Practiced git by pushing ruby code into my own branch
- Began to look at theme development
- Asana
- github
- Atom
- Discourse
*Soft Skills:
* Remote communication and collaboration
2. Achievement highlights:
- Downloaded discourse on my machine
- Completed Ruby Gradebook task
- Attended webinar with industry mentor
- List of meetings/training:
- Meetings
- Webinar with industry mentor
- Team meetings 3x a week
- Training
- Presentation on git and github
- Learned basic of ruby as well as where to find additional resources
- Goals for the upcoming week:
- Look into theme development
- Finish up the resources posted on stemaway
- Detailed statement of tasks done:
- Installed and ran discourse on my local system
- Used Atom to create a gradebook in ruby
- Created a local branch and pushed it up to github