AI-Bioinformatics Project Launch: Open Mentor Meet & Greet - Free, Flexible

Exciting news! We are ready to start the next project. Current applicants have elected to focus on AI Explorations in Bioinformatics! Join us for our first mentor meeting on Saturday, 07/27 at 2pm Eastern / 11am Pacific. Simply pass the MCQ on any of these fascinatingprep modules below, and you’re in! The MCQs are designed to be accessible - you can pass easily with prior knowledge or by thoroughly reading the prep module descriptions.

Successful applicants will receive the Zoom link by 10:30am Pacific. We provide mentorship for free. Applicants pick sub-teams based on experience and availability.

All applicants start at Level 1, with more experienced participants advancing rapidly. The entire unit works as a team, with each member contributing based on their experience and passion:

Level 1: Basic Gene-Disease Association Predictor Explore biological databases like OMIM and STRING. Develop a basic prediction model using gene-disease data and protein interactions. Learn data preprocessing, analysis, visualization, and simple machine learning models.

Level 2: Enhanced Gene-Disease Predictor with Network Features Dive deeper into protein-protein interaction networks. Work with tabular and graph data. Implement advanced ML models and explore multi-class associations in protein interactions.

Level 3: Graph Neural Network for Gene-Disease Prediction and Causality Chain Discovery Implement a GNN using PyTorch Geometric. Create AI-generated causality chains and explore potential drug targets. Simulate real-world applications like NPHS2 in Nephrotic Syndrome research.