Revolutionizing Talent Acquisition: AI Project Engine and Evaluator for Dynamic Candidate Screening

AI Project Engine

Are you struggling to effectively connect with candidates? Are you tired of your prescreening questions leaking all over the internet? Are you exhausted from constantly creating new projects for interviews?

Our AI Project Engine is your solution. This engine generates project descriptions and embeddings that drive all associated tools. Search our extensive repository of projects and utilize special shadow projects with similar embeddings from the AI Project Engine to conduct meaningful, dynamic prescreening.

With new, unique questions every time and candidates already familiar with the background, you can dive deeper and conduct thorough evaluations. If you need proprietary projects for screening, use them as the final step. Our projects, well-aligned with current AI trends in the industry, help you build a robust talent pipeline efficiently and effectively.

An overly complex and intimidating job application and prescreening process can prevent highly skilled candidates, especially those with opportunity barriers. By making the process more accessible and engaging, you tap into a wider pool of talent, helping your team and helping the next STEM generation!

AI Project Engine (2)

AI Evaluator

Our patented AI Evaluator revolutionizes the assessment process with the unique concept of candidates leading a conversation with an AI mentor. This innovative tool analyzes these project-centric, user-led conversations using customizable rubrics, providing companies with deep insights into a candidate’s ability to lead, innovate, and engage within a project context. The automated AI assessment ensures comprehensive and objective evaluations based on criteria such as technical discussion leadership and strategic thinking.

You can start with prestored evaluation results in candidate portfolios and then move on to real-time prescreening with the AI Evaluator applied to shadow projects with similar embeddings as the original project in the candidate portfolio. This multi-layered prescreening approach reduces the risk and cost associated with poor hiring decisions, allowing you to truly get to know your candidates in an engaging and effective way before the interview.

Knock yourself out and find the candidate you really want, reducing the cost of mishire. We talk a lot about the cost of mishire, but there is a significant cost associated with mis-interviews as well. Reduce both!

And all of this ties together seamlessly with the 1-Click® Resume feature in our Talent Discovery Platform. Get ready for next-gen matching and prescreening! Discover talent that will create the next generation of inclusive STEM leaders!