YutongWang - Machine Learning Pathway

Name: Yutong Wang
Team: ML Team 8 (Bertinator)

Overview of Things Learned:

Technical Area: I have learned and tried to create a web crawler for the first time using Scrapy. Also, I have learned how to use the inspect tool and use the network feature to track what’s going on in a webpage. Moreover, I have learned data cleaning using pandas and bert language model for NLP.

Tools Used: Python, Pandas, JSON, Scrapy, Git, Colab, Visual Studio Code

Soft Skills: Communication with the team leader, tech leader and teammates about questions and confusion.

Achievement Highlights

  1. Successfully scraping the talk folksy forum through Scrapy (which included 42000+ entries and 13 features)
  2. Fixed the infinite scrolling problem.
  3. Join 7 files of datasets and clean the hyperlinks and null values in the dataframe.
  4. Learn and try the bert model and the idea behind the training process.

List of Meetings attended

  • All team meetings except one time
  • Scraping with BeautifulSoup and Scrapy Webinar
  • Q&A meeting with team leader Maleeha
  • Watch the other webinar recordings

Goals for the Upcoming Week

Perform bert model and implement the classification model.

Tasks Done

  1. Successfully scraping the talk folksy forum through Scrapy (which included 42000+ entries and 13 features)
  2. Fixed the infinite scrolling problem.
  3. Join 7 files of datasets and clean the hyperlinks and null values in the dataframe.
  4. Learn and try the bert model and the idea behind the training process.