Presentation to Michael Greene, Vice President at Intel

Full-stack design project involving theme component or plugin development for the open-source Discourse Forum.

Presentation: Full Stack Summer 2020.pdf (5.1 MB)

YouTube Playlist of all videos from this presentation.

Project Overview:

  1. Project leads will help the team ramp up using this excellent guide from plugin author Angus McLeod.

    I’m not an expert at coding. I only taught myself how to code last year by playing around with Discourse. I’m partly putting this here because this is the basic approach I use to answer any questions I (or others) have when working with Discourse and it will be useful to link to.

  2. The team will create a theme component or plugin, specifications will be decided by the project leads along with the team.

  3. Stretch Goal: Create a plugin to display tags in clusters

    A stretch goal is to create a plugin to display tags in clusters. Each tag pair will have a distance metrics to indicate the similarity between the tags. The team will work with the Machine Learning team to define an interface to import the tag distance metrics created by ML algorithms.


  • Full Stack Design
  • Ember (Theme & Plugin Development)
  • Ruby (Plugin Development)
  • Open Source Development
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership & Mentoring (project & task leads)
