Quince - Full Stack Pathway

Stem-Away Self-Assessment 6/16/20

Irene Saito (Quince), Observer role

Things learned:

Tech Area: a little bit of Ruby, HTML/CSS, setting up psql for Postgres in Terminal
Tools: Asana, Google Meet
Soft Skills: Participated in meetings, learned how to collaborate on a project remotely.

Three achievement highlights:

Learned about full stack components and how they fit together
Completed mini tasks as described on Asana Attended team meetings in the observer role

List of meetings/trainings:

5/21 STEMCast with James, overview of Discourse
5/30 Team meeting
6/2 Team meeting
6/5 Team meeting

Goals for the upcoming week:

Learn some more Ruby – I had fun with this
Watch more videos to learn more about the technologies we are using
Attempt to implement a theme in Discourse or a web page on my own

Detailed statement of tasks:

Completed all of the mini tasks and layout understanding tasks on Asana:
Learning about what symbols are in Ruby, how to create them and when to use them
Setting up psql for Postgres in Terminal in my Ubuntu VM
Exploring all the different kinds of loops in Ruby
Creating a three column layout containing elements with rounded corners using HTML and CSS.
Looked up more information about stack components I was completely unfamiliar with, like Ember.js, Postgres, and handlebars, as well as more information about HTML and CSS.

Stem-Away Self-Assessment 6/23/20

Irene Saito (Quince), Observer role

Things learned:

  • Tech Area: a little about AWS, JavaScript
  • Tools: Google Meet, Google Drive, AWS
  • Soft Skills: Participated in meetings

Three achievement highlights:

  • Learned about what a product manager does, and a little about AWS
  • Did some research about JavaScript, attempted an AWS tutorial
  • Attended team meetings in the observer role

List of meetings/trainings

  • 6/16 Team meeting
  • 6/20 Meeting with industry mentor Parminder

Goals for the upcoming week:

  • Learn more about how to use AWS – there’s a lot to learn
  • Watch more videos to learn more about the technologies we are using
  • Try to complete the full stack tutorial on AWS

Detailed statement of tasks:

  • Created an instance using E2C and attempted to follow the full stack tutorial on AWS. I kept running into access problems (it wouldn’t let me use Lambda, for instance), which was frustrating. I later got an email that says I have more access now, so I will try again.
  • Looked up more information about how JavaScript works with HTML and CSS. After looking at Longfei’s code, I realized I needed more information on how all three elements go together.

Stem-Away Self-Assessment 6/30/20

Irene Saito (Quince), Observer role

Things learned:

Tech Area: a little more about AWS, GitHub
Tools: AWS, GitHub, PuTTY
Soft Skills: Participated in meetings

Three achievement highlights:

Learned about branches, pull requests and commits on GitHub
Used PuTTY/SSH to access an EC2 instance
Created a Postgres database in AWS using RDS

List of meetings/trainings

6/25 Team meeting

Goals for the upcoming week:

Do another tutorial on GitHub
Learn more about how to create web pages and connect them to a backend database
Investigate more of the free tier services on AWS

Detailed statement of tasks:

Completed a basic tutorial on GitHub to learn about how it works after I realized I didn’t know what a “commit” or a “pull request” is. I was aware GitHub is widely used for version control and collaborating on projects, but I haven’t used it in any of my classes yet.
Created a Postgres database using RDS and downloaded and used PuTTY to access the Linux EC2 instance I had created earlier. I do like the layers of security that AWS offers, but it does make using the service less straightforward.
Looked at the code posted to GitHub to see how much I could decipher, and to see how the code was broken up into different files.

Stem-Away Final Assessment 7/10/20
Irene Saito (Quince), Observer role

I learned a bit about the following tools and technologies:
• Asana: how online teams can work together using this tool
• GitHub: how code is shared, and what a branch, commit, and pull request is.
• Ruby: learned about symbols, wrote some loops.
• AWS EC2 and RDS: created and instance and a Postgres database, used PuTTY to SSH into the instance with a private RSA key
• Ajax and Spring frameworks
• Handlebars Framework for JavaScript
• Stripe: for payments and shopping carts

I also gained a better understanding on how HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Java (or other backend languages) work together to create dynamic web pages linked to a database.

I attended meetings and trainings on the following dates:
• 5/21/20
• 5/30/20
• 6/2/20
• 6/5/20
• 6/16/20
• 6/20/20
• 6/25/20
• 7/2/20
• 7/8/20