ChrisShen - Full Stack (Level 2) Pathway

1. Concise overview of things learned:

Technical Area:

  • Discourse & its code base
  • Ruby on rails
  • Github


  • Stem-Away website
  • Command Line Tool
  • Discourse
  • Trello
  • Discord
  • Github

Soft Skills:

  • Active communication with colleague (other leads & mentors) and participants
  • Be motivated to search for examples for self-learning
  • Organize the workspace, set up good platforms for participants

2. Three achievement highlights

  • Having a kick-off meeting with the team
  • Set up communication channels, project management tools to actively communicate with participants
  • Fixed the discourse installation issue with Keegan

3. Goals for the upcoming week.

  • Further explore Ruby on Rails
  • Further explore the Discourse code base
  • Finish the emberjs and SCSS tutorials
  • More communication with the team

4. Detailed statement of tasks done.

  • Install Discourse & gain admin access. I was a participant last summer, so I didn’t have much trouble installing Discourse. However, I spent a lot of time creating an admin account. I searched online and asked others but did not succeed. In the end, set up a meeting with Keegan, who eventually found out that the plugin/theme component we wrote last summer had some problems and is preventing the admin account set up. Solution: redownload the entire code and remove previous plugins.
  • Get familiar with Ruby and Ruby on rails. Went through the tutorial again for Ruby, and followed the tutorial for Rails to create a example project (not finished yet, planning to continue next week)
  • Project Management: Meet with other leads to decide timeline of the team, prepare for the kick-off meeting, set up PM tools and collaboration channels for the team, and plan to have scrum meeting throughout weekdays for participants.
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Week 2:

1. Concise overview of things learned:

Technical Area:

  • Discourse & its code base
  • Ruby on rails
  • Github


  • Stem-Away website
  • Command Line Tool
  • Discourse
  • Trello
  • Discord
  • Github

Soft Skills:

  • Active communication with colleague (other leads & mentors) and participants
  • Be motivated to search for examples for self-learning
  • Organize the workspace, set up good platforms for participants

2. Three achievement highlights

  • Organize daily scrum meeting with participants for daily check-in
  • Send out survey for feedback of scrum meetings from participants and make changes to format&content of scrum meetings accordingly
  • Finished EmberJs Tutorial

3. Goals for the upcoming week.

  • Further explore Ruby on Rails
  • Exploring meta.discourse for ideas of theme sand plugins, have a all-team meeting about idea-sharing/brainstorming
  • Finish the SCSS tutorials
  • More communication with the team

4. Detailed statement of tasks done.

  • Finished EmberJS Tutorial: Went through the tutorial for EmberJS, built the super rental app
  • Daily Scrum Meeting: daily short meeting for quick check-in with the participants which is like a short version of self-assessment(asking for tasks done, trouble during tasks, plan for tomorrow, etc.)
  • Project Management:
    • meet with leads to reflect on the week and propose changes to format & content of scrum meetings
    • created a team Calendar for better organization
    • update task in Trello board
    • reach out to inactive participants for communications

Week 3:

1. Concise overview of things learned:

Technical Area:

  • Discourse & its code base
  • Ruby on rails
  • Github
  • Theme development


  • Command Line Tool
  • Discourse
  • Trello
  • Discord
  • Github
  • Discourse Theme CLI

Soft Skills:

  • Active communication with colleague (other leads & mentors) and participants
  • Be motivated to search for examples for self-learning
  • Organize the workspace, set up good platforms for participants

2. Three achievement highlights

  • Improved format of scrum meeting results in better attendance and communications
  • Start mimicking the current theme of StemAway website
  • Held an all-team meeting brainstorming about project ideas

3. Goals for the upcoming week.

  • Keep developing theme
  • Group the participants for subprojects
  • More communication with the team

4. Detailed statement of tasks done.

  • Daily Scrum Meeting: daily short meeting for quick check-in with the participants which is like a short version of self-assessment(asking for tasks done, trouble during tasks, plan for tomorrow, etc.)
  • Discourse Theme Development: Start developing themes using the Discourse CLI
  • All-Team meeting: Shared ideas about projects, and did a demo about the whole workflow of developing themes using Discourse CLI

Week 4-5:

1. Concise overview of things learned:

Technical Area:

  • Discourse & its code base
  • Github
  • Theme development


  • Command Line Tool
  • Discourse
  • Trello
  • Discord
  • Github
  • Discourse Theme CLI

Soft Skills:

  • Active communication with colleague (other leads & mentors) and participants
  • Be motivated to search for examples for demonstrating
  • Organize the workspace, set up good platforms for participants

2. Three achievement highlights

  • Improved communication with team members, which can be seen from both improved attendance in scrum meeting and better communication in discord channel
  • Plan & finish the side project of light&dark themes and toggle button theme switcher, helped the toggle button theme group with developing
  • Actively communicate with the mentors about project progress, ask technical questions and project-relate ideas

3. Goals for the upcoming week.

  • Start the grouping for the final project
  • Start developing for final project and confirm with other leads about start-up code
  • Catch up with the modules as project developing has slowed down the progress of the modules

4. Detailed statement of tasks done.

  • Daily Scrum Meeting: daily short meeting for quick check-in with the participants which is like a short version of self-assessment(asking for tasks done, trouble during tasks, plan for tomorrow, etc.)
  • Discourse Theme Component Development: Start developing themes using the Discourse CLI. Used virtual-dom to add a toggle button element to the user menu using api.decorateWidget function. Used CSS to style the button and slider. Used javascript for the theme switching function by storing theme elements in javascript arrays and use if/else statement according to the toggle button to choose accordingly
  • All-Team meeting: Side Project Showcase where all groups come together to show the final result of light&dark themes and toggle buttons and share their experience with teamwork, and brainstorm about final project

Week 6-7:

1. Concise overview of things learned:

Technical Area:

  • Discourse & its code base
  • Github
  • Plugin development


  • Command Line Tool
  • Discourse
  • Trello
  • Discord
  • Github
  • Discourse Theme CLI

Soft Skills:

  • Active communication with colleague (other leads & mentors) and participants
  • Be motivated to search for examples for demonstrating
  • Organize the workspace, set up good platforms for participants

2. Three achievement highlights

  • Set up individual tasks called backlogs to get the participants started
  • Took part in frontend development, and have successfully implemented most of the frontend part of the final project.
  • Actively communicate with the mentors about project progress, ask technical questions and project-relate ideas

3. Goals for the upcoming week.

  • Finish up the frontend development by solving some final bugs and confirm with leads the design
  • Finish the backend development by working closely with the backend group, and hopefully get to testing stage with the stemaway website
  • Wrap up other things with self-assessments and check in with the participants about their progress

4. Detailed statement of tasks done.

  • Daily Scrum Meeting: daily short meeting for quick check-in with the participants which is like a short version of self-assessment(asking for tasks done, trouble during tasks, plan for tomorrow, etc.)
  • Discourse Plugin Development: Start developing plugins (mostly frontend part) by following the tutorials available. Used api.decorateWidget to add buttons which pop up notes on specific locations, and use plugin outlets for the actual notes. Customized CSS for styling and added javascript for some features such as color changing. For backends, went through the tutorials and is currently working on adding routes and data saving/getting.
  • Group meeting: Work with each group (frontend and backend teams) to assign and follow up with their work, and check their progress by monitoring the group channel.