1-Click® Resume & Smart Apply

1-Click® Resume

Build a Dynamic Resume that evolves with you and automatically adapts to match job postings!

Your AI-Enhanced Resume Assistant

Transform your AIVIA™ journey into a professional resume with ease. Highlight evaluated projects, verified skills, and achievements, and seamlessly integrate additional experiences and achievements. Create a dynamic resume that evolves as you grow!

Smart Apply

Simplify the job application process with tools that dynamically update your 1-Click® Resume to match job postings. Showcase the right skills and experiences effortlessly, increasing your chances of landing the perfect role.

Join an upcoming AMA or demo session to learn more. Earn tacks easily through community contributions. Alternatively, visit the STEM-Away® Shopify Store to get 70 tacks for less than $5—enough to explore the platform and jumpstart your Learn & Earn journey!

How to Get Started :rocket:

  1. :mag_right: To evaluate your skills for a particular project, head over to AIVIA projects and pick a project you’d like to be evaluated on.

  2. :white_check_mark: After completing and passing the MCQ evaluation, you’ll gain access to the AIVIA evaluator. AIVIA will consistently gauge your knowledge based on your responses and provide real-time feedback.

  3. :incoming_envelope: Once you finish the evaluation, you’ll receive detailed feedback in your inbox regarding your performance.

  4. :tada: If AIVIA rates your competency level at Intermediate/Expert, fantastic! That project will be showcased on your 1-Click® Resume, visible to employers, and the skills evaluated will help match your resume to relevant job postings.