Sourav_Naskar - Machine Learning (Level 3) Pathway


Concise overview of things learned:

Technical area:

  • Understood how to extract raw Medline sentences through PubMed parser

  • Learned about Drug-Target relationships, working of Drugs, Vector Space models, Literature mining by reading prerequisite & supplementary materials given.

  • Read the exact research paper to deep dive into what is to be done


Request Library, Pubmed_Parser, nltk , gzip module , Trello


  • Learned to work in teams, divided the whole task into subtasks & then compiled them to complete the task in time.

  • Learned how to use Trello for structuring & managing the project in a easy way.

  • Improved communication skills while interacting with other team members during team meetings & for the very first time worked on Presentation slides for Team wide & Pathway wide Journal Clubs.

Achievement highlights:

  • Presented the research paper called “Literature Mining for Biologists” & some parts of the exact research paper in the team wide journal clubs

  • Presented the result part of the exact research paper to the pathway wide journal club

  • Extracted the raw Medline sentences using pubmed_parser

Detailed Statement of Tasks Completed:

  • For extracting raw Medline text task main motive was to collect all the drug-gene pairs & extract only those sentences which contain atleast a drug-gene pair. I downloaded the drug-gene pairs from Pharmgkb & drug list from Drug-Bank (it took a lot of time to get approval from DrugBank). One of our team members John explained us how to extract .xml files. With that help I used requests module & pubmed_parser for extracting raw data & gzip library for .xml files. Then I created a list of drugs & genes with the data from PharmGKB & Drugbank. It has 17K unique drugs & 20K unique genes. After extracting the raw sentences I used nltk library for tokenization. Then I checked whether the token is present in the drug or gene list ,if present added to the usable_sentences list & stored the data in .tsv format. I was able to extract more than 2000 raw Medline sentences.

Goals for the upcoming week:

  • Dependency parsing of raw data & creating the dependency matrix for EBC algorithm.
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Concise overview of things learned:

Technical area:

  • Learned about dependency parsing, TRANSITION based dependency parser, 3 TRANSITION ACTIONS(Shift, Left - Arc, Right - Arc) & why Stanford parser stands out from other parsers, mathematics behind Stanford parser from the training material given.

  • Learned how to use dependency parsing of raw Medline data with Java & store the output in .txt file

  • Learned spacy for dependency parsing , sparse matrix & read all the prerequisite & supplementary research paper given.


spacy, Stanford parser 3.5.0 version, Java VM, jython 2.7.2


  • Improved communication skills while interacting with other team members during team meetings & Team wide Journal Clubs.

Achievement highlights:

  • Successfully completed the dependency parsing task of raw Medline sentences with Java

  • Created the matrix with drug-gene as rows & dependency relations as columns with the output of dependency parsing

  • Presented the overview of sparse matrix topic to the team wide journal club.

Detailed Statement of Tasks Completed:

  • While working on dependency parsing task with java GUI based system in my windows system I faced some difficulties. So I used ubuntu subsystem. Then also I got an error “X11 forwarding not enabled” though it was enabled. I tried to enable it using SSH but again got some error. After I just tried to execute the stanford parser.jar file & I was able to do the dependency parsing task using Java GUI system. While following the instructions for dependency parsing what colin has given I got some errors in Windows machine but it worked for Linux system. I was able to store the output in “wordsAndTags, penn ,typedDependencies” formats. Then I used the typed dependency format output for creating the dependency matrix. After running dependency parsing task on more than 2000 Medline sentences I got 169 drug-gene pairs & 23 unique dependency relations in the dependency matrix.

Goals for the upcoming week:

Run EBC algorithm with the help of Dependency Matrix


Concise overview of things learned:

Technical area:

  • Re-read the EBC section of research paper & watched Colin’s video on EBC to get a better understanding of EBC algorithm

  • Understood how to run EBC Algorithm & Learned about EBC Scoring Rule.

  • Understood how to import different classes of python files to another python files.


EBC module


  • Improved communication skills while interacting with other team members during team meetings.

Achievement highlights:

  • Successfully ran the EBC Algorithm & got the cluster assignments of drug-gene pairs & dependency paths.

  • With the help of cluster assignments of drug-gene pairs created the N by N Co-occurrence Matrix of drug-gene pairs.

Detailed Statement of Tasks Completed:

  • After reading the research paper & watching the material given by Colin I got to know that EBC algorithm has 2 steps–> 1) Unsupervised Step & 2) Supervised Step.

  • Unsupervised step of EBC:-

My task was to complete Unsupervised step of EBC for my team. After running EBC algorithm on “matrix-ebc-paper-dense.tsv”(3514 drug-gene)[given in researcher’s EBC Github repo] I got 2 types of cluster assignment → 1) drug-gene pair cluster & 2) dependency path cluster.

For creating N by N Co-occurrency Matrix of drug-gene pairs we need drug-gene pair cluster assignments .Firstly I created a N By N matrix with all zeros. After 1 run of EBC I got 1 row of (N=3514) drug-gene cluster assignments. So my logic was firstly to access all the drug-gene cluster assignments (run for loop (i th) N times) & store it as list & then compare cluster number of every pair with other pairs[from that list of clusters]. For this I ran inner for loop (j th) which will run in range(i,N). For first iteration of inner for loop (j th) it will check if there is any drug-gene pair with same cluster number as first pair & will increment that cell of the matrix [i,j ] with 1. For next iteration it will check for 2nd pair cluster & so on upto n times. Diagonal of matrix will be equal to the number of EBC runs. Because in every run same pair will always co-cluster with that pair. Rows & Columns of the matrix will be the same drug-gene pair So the matrix will be symmetric. I ran the EBC algorithm 1000 times so diagonal is all 1000.

  • Supervised step of EBC:-

One of my team members Matthew implemented the EBC scoring. I learned from him & implemented the same. Seed Set Pairs are all from drugbank. Test sets have a 50-50 split of sets in drugbank and not in drugbank. All drugbank test set pairs will be mutually exclusive of seed set pairs. After getting the co-occurrence matrix we need to add seed set indicators (1 if present in drugbank , otherwise 0). Then each test set and seed set pair will be scored. We can get co-occurrences of every test set member from co-occurrence matrix & sort them to get ranks.

According to research paper, For each test set Ti, rank all n rows of the data matrix based on how often they co-cluster with Ti. This produces a ranking Ri of length in in which pairs that frequently co-cluster with Ti are assigned high ranks and those that seldom cluster get low ranks.1 is the most frequent. N is the least frequent. The score for Ti is the ranksum of the member sof the seed set, S, within this list.

Goals for the upcoming week:

Create Dendograms from co-occurrence Matrix


Concise overview of things learned:

Technical area:

  • Learned the Intuition behind Agglomerative Clustering, how to use RStudio for creating dendograms from Colin’s video.


RStudio, ape, purrr, protoclust package


  • Improved communication skills while interacting with other team members during team meetings.

Achievement highlights:

  • Installed RStudio & created the dendograms using agglomerative clustering.

Detailed Statement of Tasks Completed:

  • Firstly calculated correlation & distance metric from N by N co-occurrence Matrix which I got from “matrix-ebc-paper-dense.tsv” dataset(3514 drug-gene) [given in researcher’s EBC Github repo]. Agglomerative Clustering is basically pairing cluster from bottom to higher frequency. Here the used cluster number is 25. |391px;x391px;


This is the plotted dendogram. From this dendogram we get to know whether drug-gene pairs are from Drugbank & PharmGKB , Cluster 2 mainly refer to inhibitor & subcluster antagonist, Cluster 6 mainly refer to inhibitor & subcluster agonist ,Cluster 7 mainly refer to activation relationship such as enhanced, simulated, reduced etc