Fong_YC - Full Stack (Level 2) Pathway

1. Overview of Things Learned

  • Technical Area: Git, open-source software, Discourse platforms, command line, Ruby, HTML & CSS
  • Tools: STEM-Away forum, Github, Trello
  • Soft skills: Reading and learning through articles, slides improved my comprehensive skills. Not only that, I also improved my listening skills by joining team meetings and understand the tasks.

2. Three Achievement Highlights

  • Met the team and started working on modules.
  • Gained knowledge in command line & Git, and practiced Ruby syntax.
  • Be more self-disciplined to complete task in time.

3. Goals for the Upcoming Week

  • Learned and getting familiar with Ruby and the Discourse codebase.
  • Complete all of the tasks in time
  • Able to join all of the team meetings and weekly kick-off meetings

4. Detailed Statement of Tasks Done

  • Read the required readings: Command Line Basics, Understand Git&GitHub, Introduction to Ruby.

  • Watched the video on Shell under Command Line Basics. The article about Git and Github refreshed my memories on this topic as I already tried Git before I got accepted to this internship.

  • Watched the video about Ruby.

Week 2

1. Overview of Things Learned

  • Technical Area: Ember JS, I have read through the Ember Guides and completed all of the modules. This guide helped me to understand Ember.js much better. Not only that, I have look through the Discourse code base and viewed the video on Discourse Tech Stack. Furthermore, I have also read through SCSS Guides.

  • Tools: Discourse, Ubuntu, Windows PowerShell, Github, Ember CLI, SCSS

  • Soft Skills: My time management has improved by completing tasks in time and also keep track of my own progress. Sense of teamwork has improved from weekly meetings and communication.

2. Achievement Highlights

  • I have faced many difficulties on the Discourse Installation, but I finally got it to work by doing researches through internet and the resources provided by my team.

  • Understand Ember.Js by reading the guides and completed all of the modules

  • Interacted with SCSS (Sass) syntax by installing it into my machine and follow through the guides.

3. Goals for Upcoming Week

  • Develop Discourse themes in Admin Settings UI.

  • Get familiar with browser’s developer console.

  • Use the DOM inspector in the developer tools to inspect Discourse’s UI

4. Detailed Statement of Tasks Done

  • Installed Discourse through Ubuntu. Tried installed through Docker, but had too many issues like permission denied, connection lost and more. Thus, I just install it using Ubuntu which I am more familiar with.

  • Read through the Discourse codebase and watched the Discourse Tech Stack video by James.

  • Completed all of the modules for Ember. js guides

  • Completed the SCSS (SASS) guides.

Week 3

1. Overview of Things Learned

  • Technical Area: Created simple theme in the Admin Settings UI and added custom CSS, HTML and JavaScript to the theme. Learned to use Discourse Theme CLI and browser’s developer console.

  • Tools: Browser Developer Tools, Discourse, Ubuntu, Docker

  • Soft Skills: I have improved my problem solving skills because my Discourse has issue via installation on Windows 10 for Development. Then, I switched platform by uninstalling Discourse completely from my machine and install Discourse again using Docker successfully.

2. Achievement Highlights

  • Created a local Discourse theme.

  • Completed all readings on Developer’s Guide to Discourse Themes, Introduction to BRowser Developer Tools, Designer’s Guide to Theme Development, and Style-guide Route.

  • Used DOM inspector in the dev tools to inspect Discourse’ UI. Then, updated theme to apply changes based on inspecting components using DOM inspector.

3. Goals for Upcoming Week

  • Update theme to make sure of the plugin API.

  • Add a setting to my Discourse theme and add a localizable string to it.

  • Use theme modifiers to add Font Awesome icon dependencies.

  • Identify plugin outlet locations in Discourse and add in custom code in my theme below or above a plugin outlet location.

4. Detailed Statement of Tasks Done

  • Uninstalled Discourse on Windows 10 because it is very buggy. Then, I installed Discourse with Docker again.

  • Created a local theme through Admin by adding some HTML, CSS and Javascript.

  • Completed all of the required readings and learn about how to use browser’s developer tools and begin using DOM inspector to inspect Discourse.

  • Identified classes and styles applied to certain elements.

  • I’ve also completed some optional supplemental resources on Theme Creator & Theme CLI to build my themes.

Week 4

1. Overview of Things Learned

  • Technical Area: Successfully update my theme using the plugin API. Then, I have also tried to identify plugin outlet locations in Discourse and added some custom CSS and HTML code.
  • Tools: Browser Developer Tools, Discourse, Ubuntu, Docker, DOM Inspector, Style-Guide, Handlebars.
  • Soft Skills: Solving issues independently on plugin implementations. Self discipline by attending group meetings and get tasks done in time.

2. Achievement Highlights

  • Get familiar with Handlebars syntax
  • Added settings to my Discourse theme
  • Attempted to identify plugin outlet locations in Discourse and succeeded.

3. Goals for Upcoming Week

  • Learned to leverage plugin outlets
  • Create a Discourse plugin
  • Add a custom route for your admin interface and add some custom settings
  • Finish all required readings on Discourse plugin.

4. Tasks Completed

  • Added settings to my Discourse theme
  • Added a localizable string to my theme
  • Used DOM inspector to add more functions and fonts for certain sections. *Completed all required readings for this week