Ss.trans - Bioinformatics Pathway

Concise overview of things learned. Break it up into Technical Area, Tools, Soft Skills

  • Technical Area: 1) able to review basic data structures and data visualization in R as well as learning new functions like heat maps and volcano plots 2) learned new functions to normalize data in R 3) refreshing on basic python skills as well as gaining a better understanding of objected oriented programming
  • Tools: Using and exploring new R packages

  • Soft Skills: I have been able to further develop my communication skills by interacting with various team members. Also, I have expanded my Linkedin network connecting with other stem away participants.

Three achievement highlights

  • carefully reviewing the paper and researching a lot of unfamiliar terms and processes detailed in the paper
  • expanding my network through Linkedin (just recently made one so still trying to get the hang of it ahaha)
  • understanding the technical/programming side of data analysis involved in biological data collection

List of meetings/ training attended including social team events

  • Except for happy hours since I typically have another meeting during that time, I have attended all team meetings. I attended all of week 1 trainings live, but was unable to attend week 2 trainings live. However, I watched the uploaded videos on my own time.

Goals for the upcoming week. Next self-assessment will be due on the following Tuesday 06/23

  • I am trying to stay more organized and make a to do list for my tasks. I have another project I am currently working on and trying to balance the two so that I have a set schedule and to make sure I am on top of all the deliverables.
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